I saw a variation of a solar system hat on Pinterest recently but decided to put my own spin on it when we studied space a couple of weeks ago. Here’s how to make it:
First, take a piece of black cardstock or construction paper and cut it lengthwise into 4-inch by 12-inch strips. There should be a one inch strip left over.
Tape or glue the two strips together to make one long strip.
With just a tad bit of water, thin white tempera paint. Glow in the dark paint would also be super fun to use!
Dip the brush into the paint and then hold the paintbrush over your paper. Rub your finger along the bristles to fan them out. This should spatter the paint onto the paper. You can also hold the brush in one hand and tap on the handle with the other hand to make the paint splatter. Repeat this step all over your paper, creating a background that looks like stars.
While that is drying, color and cut out the shapes of the sun and planets.
Glue them in order onto your black paper once the paint is dry.
Fold the paper into a circle and glue or tape into place. Wear and have fun!
This activity and the sun and planets printables you see in the photos are a part of my Space unit for K-1 on TeachersPayTeachers. If you would like to do this on your own without purchasing the unit, you can find a different printable of the planets here for free.*
*The site with the free planets printable doesn’t give clear directions on how to print. It’s easiest just to right click on the printable you want, choose “Save image as”, and save the image to your computer. Then you can open up Microsoft Word, insert the image, and print.
It is very kind of you to share your project with options to purchase your set and also sharing another set of planets for those who cannot purchase your set for whatever reason. Thanks so much. I am pinning this for when we have our summer camp at preschool on space.
You’re very welcome! This hat would be super cute to make at a preschool summer camp on space. I hope your kids love it!
It has now been used in china too
Thanks so much for sharing, this is so clever for so many reasons and I would have loved to use this for a party for my children when they were young and went to the planetarium as an outing. Thanks.
Muchas gracias por su aporte, voy aplicarlo a un curso de verano
Great visual learning tool and fun as well!