This post contains affiliate links of products I recommend. Read my full disclosure statement. Did you know female sea turtles return to the same beach where they were born to lay their own eggs? They do! Learn more about their nest building and what happens to hatchlings once they’re born with these fun sea turtle […]
Coral Reef Art Project
Aren’t coral reefs beautiful? I love all the vibrant colors that seamlessly blend together. They create a gorgeous ecosystem. This easy coral reef art project allows students to make their own stunning coral reefs with just a little paint and some sponges! Materials light blue construction paper acrylic paint in various bright colors sponges permanent […]
Ocean Videos for Kids
How deep is the ocean? How many oceans are there? Why is it salty? Students always seem to enjoy learning about the ocean and might have a lot of questions about it. These ocean videos for kids are the perfect place to find the answers. Oceans of the World Although technically one large body of […]