Human Body Books for Kids

A list of human body books for kids



I made a trip to our local library recently in search of some anchor texts to use for our human body systems unit. We didn’t quite check out all of these (I wish we could have!), but below you’ll find 20 human body books for kids that would be the perfect for kindergarten to third grade.



During our unit we studied the skeletal and muscular systems together, as well as the nervous, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems.  Each day we read a different anchor text or two (or three).  We used some of the longer, more in-depth books just to look at their amazing illustrations of each body system.

The Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out-Science Stage 2 series from Harper Collins has several human body books that are perfect for this unit:

As we learned about each body system, we filled in our Human Body Systems Flip Book that I created for us to record and remember important information we were learning.  We also did several experiments and art projects along the way that I’ll be sharing soon!

If you’re looking for more information and resources for a study of the human body, check out my Human Body Pinterest board!


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