The Snowy Day Activities

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One of my most popular winter pins is the one I found last year on a blog I love to read called It was from a post about ten things to do on a snow day and included this cute idea:

The Snowy Day Activities with printable template

It’s a simple, yet fun art activity to do after reading The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats: make tracks in the snow (equal parts shaving cream and white liquid glue) and add a small red figure cutout.  Since my kids love painting with this puffy paint, I thought this would be a perfect art project for us to do during art last week.

Here’s how ours turned out:

 My son wanted to make his picture like a picture in the book of Peter climbing up a hill of snow.

The Snowy Day Activities with printable templates

My daughter used the rounded end of a butter knife to make Peter’s footprints in the snow.  Now, a butterknife wouldn’t be the safest in a classroom setting, I’m sure. 😉 But similar tracks could be made by just using their pinky finger to press down in the paint.

The Snowy Day activities with printable templates

I’m a kid at heart who loves art, too, so I always make the projects alongside my kids.  Snow angels are so pretty and I wanted to make mine like the picture in the book of Peter making snow angels.

The Snowy Day Activities with printable templates

I’m not a great artist by any means, but I did draw the outlines for our red cutout figures of Peter.  I know not everyone can or has the time to draw the figures for this project, so I want to provide them here for you to download. They’re nothing fancy, but you can print them out onto red construction paper and have your students cut them out.  We also traced Peter’s face onto light brown construction paper, cut it out, and glued it on the cutout as well.

You can download the cutout figures template by clicking on the picture below.

The Snowy Day activities with printable templates

If you’re looking for other activities to do with “The Snowy Day”, check out these FREE printables I found:

The Snowy Day Activity Pack: Emergent Reader, Anchor Chart, and Text-to-Self Connections Printables

The Snowy Day Story Time Activities: Activities, Snacks, and Crafts

The Snowy Day: Story Map and Writing Activities <—These are great!

Differientiated Comprehension Questions for The Snowy Day

The Snowy Day Sequencing Cards

Do you read “The Snowy Day” to your students?  If so, I’d love to hear any other ideas that you might use with this book!


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