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I recently finished up my newest unit: an apple unit for kindergarten and first grade! I’m really excited about this unit and wanted to give you a sneak peek at what’s inside!
This week long unit includes detailed daily lessons plans with literature suggestions, as well as a week-at-a-glance planning sheet. The unit covers science, math, reading, writing, handwriting, art, games, and music. I’ve also included QR codes and links to the apple YouTube videos I talked about in this post.
Here’s a look at each day:
Day 1: Apple Investigation (Parts of an Apple)
After completing a Know-Wonder-Learn chart about apples, students use their five senses to investigate an apple. The “Parts of an Apple Song” helps them learn the different parts of an apple.

Use the leftover apple halves from the investigation to stamp the apples on paper to create this easy parts of an apple craft. Read about how to make your own here!
You might also use the apple halves to make beautiful apple stamp art! Just paint the apple halves with red, green or yellow paint and press them onto paper. To make the crate, cut two wide brown rectangles and glue them on the sides of the paper at the bottom. Cut three long, thin, brown strips and glue them across the other rectangles. Easy peasy!

Day 2: Life Cycle of an Apple
After reading about the life cycle of an apple, students create this fun Life Cycle of an Apple wheel. When you move the worm, it turns the wheel!
Day 3: How We Eat Apples
Students survey their classmates to find out their favorite way to eat apples and then graph the results. After reading How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, students write about how to make an apple pie. The apple pie writing template is FREE in my TPT store.
Day 4: Johnny Appleseed
Students read and learn about Johnny Appleseed on day four. They learn about true/false statements and identify true/false statements about Johnny Appleseed. They also compare and contrast themselves with him using the “Johnny Appleseed and Me” Venn diagram.
Day 5: Apple Fun
The unit wraps up with students reading fiction books about apples. Two of my favorites are Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins and Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss.
After reading these books, students play a math game where they race to put ten apples on their head. But watch out for the apple! If you land on it, all the apples fall off your head and you have to start over!

Students also create their own hand print apple trees. They trace their forearm and hand on brown construction paper and cut it out. They cut the tree top out of green construction paper and use their fingertip to stamp red apples on the tree.

I hope that gives you a good idea of what you’ll find inside. You can find the complete unit (including detailed lesson plans!) HERE.
These are delightful! Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm.
Using some of your ideas and pintables in my September activity calendar that is given to family daycare teachers and parents. Thank you for doing the hard work.
education/nutrition specialist
I love hearing that! Thank you!