I recently shared a spider web scavenger hunt from day 3 of my spiders unit. I thought I’d show you the rest of the week!
I’m taking a little bit of a different approach to this unit than what I’ve done in the past. First, instead of reading a different book each day, I’m mainly using two texts: Spiders by Gail Gibbons or TIME for Kids: Spiders! by the Editors of TIME. These are the anchor texts for the week and a little is read from them each day. Other books help elaborate as needed. Secondly, each day focuses on a question about spiders. Students listen for the answers to the questions in the day’s reading.
Is a Spider a Bug? (Day 1)
The unit begins by answering the question, “Is a Spider a Bug?” Students observe a real spider and an insect, pointing out how they’re alike and different. They also learn the parts of a spider.
Time permitting, these adorable toilet paper rolled stamped spiders are a fun craft to make on the first day. Press an empty toilet paper roll into black paint and stamp on a piece of construction paper. Use a paint brush to fill in the circles with black paint. Draw legs on the spiders with a black marker. Use a hole punch and a black marker to make the eyes and glue them on. Add a smile with red paint or yarn.
How Do Spider Grow? (Day 2)
The second day’s focus is learning about the spider’s life cycle. Students make this spider life cycle craft to help them remember the life cycle of a spider.
This craft may be purchased separately from the unit in my TPT store.
Why Do Spiders Make a Web? (Day 3)
There’s so many interesting things to teach about spiders’ webs. On day 3, the focus is learning why spiders spin webs and different types of webs. Go on a spider web scavenger hunt (free printable here!) to see what types of spider webs you find!
Do All Spiders Spin Webs? (Day 4)
Students might be surprised to learn that not all spiders spin webs. Today’s reading focuses on several non-web spinning spiders and how they catch their prey. Watch videos of these spiders in action. Finally, students complete a spider web STEM challenge.
Are Spiders Bad? (Day 5)
Many students think that all spiders are bad or dangerous; The opposite is true. Most spiders are harmless to humans. In fact, we need spiders! Spider help keep the insect population under control because that’s what most spiders eat. After reading Be Nice to Spiders by Margaret Bloy Graham, students discuss how spiders are helpful.
To celebrate the end of the unit, make spider bell necklaces and eat spider chocolate chip cookies!
I think these yummy treats are a great way to end the week, don’t you? 🙂
Spider Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade
I hope that gives you a good idea of what you’ll find inside. You can find the complete unit (including detailed lesson plans!) HERE.
Are there instructions on how to make the spider bell necklace?