This fall, I’ve been teaching a Pre-K and Kindergarten art class at a local co-op that we attend. Each week, I read a book and then we make a craft or piece of art based on the book. I knew I wanted to read a book about owls and then make some type of owl […]
Simplifying Fractions Worksheet and Template
I’ve dubbed this school year “The Year of Fractions” for my daughter. She’s currently in Singapore Math 4A and she’s been working with fractions almost since the beginning of school. She’s been adding and subtracting them, writing them as mixed numbers, changing improper fractions to mixed numbers, and simplifying them to boot. When it came […]
Human Body Activities: The Heart
During our study of the human body, we did this fun activity to demonstrate just what an amazing muscle the heart is! I think your kids will love it, too! Materials needed: 2 large dishpans, buckets, or bowls 1 gallon of water (1.3 gallons to be specific!) a 1/4 cup measuring cup watch or timer […]
Student Academic Goal Setting Sheets
I came across a pin the other day about helping students set academic goals for themselves and I just loved the idea! Setting, working towards, and achieving goals is a powerful skill that will help students not only be successful now, but also in the future. This is learned skill they can benefit from for a […]
Calendar Notebook Binder Printables
I love our morning meeting and calendar time but this year I’m going to do things a bit differently. I’m going to add in the use of a calendar notebook. We’ll start by filling in the date on our monthly calendar. This is a great place to practice not only the days of the week […]
Human Body Activities: Respiratory System Model
If you’re in need of human body systems activities, here’s a fun and easy way to make a model of the respiratory system that combines both science and art! Materials needed: White cardstock paper pencils, crayons, and/or markers shaving cream liquid Elmer’s glue red paint flexible drinking straw Have your students draw and color a […]
Human Body Books for Kids
I made a trip to our local library recently in search of some anchor texts to use for our human body systems unit. We didn’t quite check out all of these (I wish we could have!), but below you’ll find 20 human body books for kids that would be the perfect for kindergarten to […]
Building Better Readers: A Word Recognition Strategy That Works
Over the past few months, my son has been learning to read and I thought I’d share with you a strategy that we use that has been very successful for us. I also used it with my daughter when she was learning to read several years ago. I was first told of this strategy by […]
Solar System Hat Activity for Kindergarten
I saw a variation of a solar system hat on Pinterest recently but decided to put my own spin on it when we studied space a couple of weeks ago. Here’s how to make it: First, take a piece of black cardstock or construction paper and cut it lengthwise into 4-inch by 12-inch strips. There […]
Easter Math Activities
As Easter approaches, I wanted to incorporate some themed activities into math for both my kiddos. With one in second grade and one in pre-K , I had to come up with a wide range of activities and I wanted to keep the materials and prep time minimal. I decided to just use plastic Easter […]